The spectacular exhibition that will open in New York, at 378 Broadway, is intended to represent a systematic account of Leonardo's life, which is divided into two precise points of interest: one dedicated to the display of graphic sketches devoted to research on the dynamism of water, his interests in engineering studies, the subject of war and that of flight; and another entirely devoted to a gallery of original paintings of extraordinary interest for the knowledge of the master's life with his most trusted pupils and followers. This special artistic review aims to investigate Leonardo's arts and scientific interests, while at the same time collecting the legacy of his unique artistic genre through the works of his collaborators.
The special section of drawings will be a journey into the art of drawing, from which it will be possible to transpose all of the master's passion for the investigation of botany, military art, civil and hydraulic engineering; a path of drawings that will give the visitor the opportunity to read Leonardo's mind, also deriving the preciousness of an extraordinary creative art.
The part devoted to paintings, on the other hand, will host several famous masterpieces by his most influential followers, such as Giampietrino, Marco d'Oggiono and Bernardino Luini to his most intriguing life companion, Salaì. The gallery part will also display two magnificent autograph drawings by Leonardo: a portrait of an old man (first exhibited at the Venaria Reale exhibition in Turin, 2010) and the sketch with horses and horseman (exhibited in the major exhibition "Leonardo's mind at the time of the Battle of Anghiari" at the Uffizi Gallery, 2006) taken from the studies for the famous Struggle for the Standard of the lost Battle of Anghiari. Linked to the same battle theme is another masterpiece in this exhibition, the painting known as the Timbal Table, the famous painting that belonged to the King of France and was later sold to a private collection.
Elements of sure interest will be the Lucan Portrait, the very famous painting depicting the master's face, the oldest and precious testimony of the real features of his face.